
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Crunchy Potato Salad

I tossed some julienned radishes into my potato salad for texture, color and flavor. The spiciness from the radish adds another layer of depth to this dish. Radishes contain glucosinolates, found in other members of the cruciferous vegetable like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale etc.. which is believed to proctect us from cancer. It is also rich in Vitamin C, phosphorus, zinc and fiber.


3 to 4 cups, peeled, cubed  and boiled potatoes
1/4 cup mayonaise
1/4 sour cream
2 boiled eggs, chopped roughly
2 Tbsp vinegar,
1 tsp sugar
1/4 cup sliced green onions
3 Tbsp julieened radish
1 tsp caraway or celery seeds
salt and pepper


1. Boil the potatoes with a little salt until they are fork tender.Drain the potatoes and set aside.

2. Add the mayonnaise, sour cream, vingear, sugar, ground black pepper and salt whisk to combine.

3. In a large bowl, combine boiled potatoes, chopped eggs, green onions and caraway/celery seeds,   

Pour the dressing over the ingredients and gently stir to evenly coat.

4. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour before serving.

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