
Friday, May 25, 2012

Healthy South Indian Pancake

1/4 cup basmatic rice
1/8 cup toor dal
1/8 urad dal
1/8 mung dal


Next morning, grind this in a mixie with about 5 or more dried chilies until fine. Remove and keep aside

Add to the above about 1/2 cup finely minced onions, 2 minced green chilies, 1/4 cup green onions, a handful spinach leaves and some finely minced cilantro leaves. Add salt and black pepper.  The consistency should be a slightly thick batter.

Oil a non-stick pan and add a teaspoon of olive oil. Spoon a ladle full of batter and spread it as round as possible. Add some chopped green chilies and tomatoes on top of the pancake. Cook until the bottom is golden brown. Add a little oil. Turn the pancake over to cook until crisp. 

Serve warm with cilantro or coconut chutney. Healthy alternative to  pancakes. 

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