
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Summerish Salad or Appetizer - Sprouted Mung Dal

All you need for this tangy, refreshing salad is apples, cucumber or jicama, sprouted mung beans, a little kamquat marmalade, smoked salmon, grated ginger, pickled beets or whatever you feel like adding. The key to this salad is your dressing. Make sure it is seasoned well.  The addition of lime juice is a must. This give an extra depth of freshness to the salad.

I have served this salad as an appetizer on a piece of bread spread with goat cheese. Enjoy.

Miso Dressing:

3 Tbsp white miso paste
3 tsp Dijon  mustard
2 Tbsp dashi stock
2 Tbsp mirin
1 Tbsp rice vinegar
2 Tbsp lime juice
1 tsp fresh ground ginger
2 Tbsp canola oil
1 Tbsp sesame oil

Whisk the miso, mustard, mirin, vinegar, ground ginger until well combine. Then add the oils slowly and whisk until well incorporated.
Adjust the consistency of the dip with a little water if too thick.

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