
Monday, April 2, 2012

Prahok Pork Dip

Recipe Adapted From The Book of Khmer Cooking- Author Hem Meakphal


100 g pork
1 smoked fish
¼ cup coconut ream
½ cup coconut milk
1 tbsp peanut, roasted and pounded
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
2-3 krasaing

1 ½ tbsp lemon grass stalk, sliced thinly
1 tsp parsley roots
1 tsp galangal, cut small
1 tsp turmeric, cut into small pieces
4 garlic cloves 
3 shallots
¼ zest red chillies, soaked, drained and chopped

long bean


Chop pork with prahok together until fine. Remove the flesh of smoked fish and discard bone and
then pound until fine.
Pound lemon grass stalk and parsley roots first in a clay mortar when fine add galangal, turmeric,
garlic, shallots and zest of kaffir lime, continue pounding then add red chilli paste, pound lightly.
Simmer coconut cream in pot over a medium heat until on top, whole add the kroeung, the pork
mixture, pounded smoked fish and peanut, stir well. Follow coconut milk after then season
with salt and sugar. Simmer until thick is needed, last add krasaing seeds and remove from the
heat and garnish with basil.

Serve with jasmine or sticky rice.

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